Owl Magic Cards! (Augmented Reality / AR)

To read more about my beginner adventures with magic cards, please jump here!. PM me if you’d like me to make a how-to on how to make layered, animated magic prints that work using instagram/fb.

Editor’s note: Some of the tech has changed since I first published these series of blogs and so the AR is no longer active. I have removed these from my downloads page.

Sample magic card in action! Check out my TikTok for more vids @jessjchampagne

iNaturalist Biodiversity Challenge 2021

In 2021 I was I had the privilege of participating in the promotion of the Capital Regional Districts new exploration of using iNaturalist to encourage community awareness about biodiversity as part of the Environmental Protection department. This was also the first time that were able to use instagram to it’s full potential, by using not only instagram and Facebook, but instagram stories as well.

Note: This was part of my work as part of the capital regional district (the regional government in southern Vancouver Island). To view other corporate items, view my graphic design portfolio.

Forest at night - Fireflies - A love letter to humid southern Ontario summers

I love the west coast, but every year I find I become nostalgic for the moody Windsor summers of my youth.

Oct 20, 2022 update: I’ve made a version of this memory with it’s companion daytime print. :)

My family would pack up the flat trailer and camp around southern Ontario — my favourite place of all was Wheatley Provincial Park. My sister and I would follow secret paths along the water, and venture out onto fallen logs. I’d imagine a world where I never went back. I would lay in a hammock strung from tree to tree and sketch the leaves over my head. (Thinking back on it, that child would think what I’m doing now is pretty amazing!) On a particularly lucky night we would get to see the most magical thing of all, fire flies.

This image is for my sister, here she is carrying her favourite stuffed animal, Giraffee the giraffe. (Mine was a little turtle named George, I still have him.)

We are purposely small here, surrounded by a dark but not ominous forest.

I think I’m realizing that I like it best when the people dwarfed by the natural world around them.

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